
The philosophy of École internationale Gaston Thorn is based on three pillars: democracy, music and the digital world. We are convinced that focusing on these three complementary pillars contributes to a fulfilling development of young people leading them to recognize their ability to act and preparing them for lifelong learning. Within this context, the student is at the center of our philosophy

Democracy is experienced through belonging,
participation, recognition and responsibility.

Why us?

We associate our values ​​of sincerity, respect, responsibility and reflection with our three priorities in the daily life of the school.


Learning democracy and living democracy go hand in hand: Growing up in democratic conditions and experiencing respectful interaction as a matter of course is perhaps the most important basis for the development of democratic attitudes and shock-resistant behavioral habits. Our school is committed to strengthening students’ democratic skills through action-oriented educational concepts.


Music promotes community life, the development of a school identity, integration and the joy of creating together. Recognized as an intellectual and cognitive activity, it helps students to develop the ability to recognize patterns and transfer them into their own action. At École internationale Gaston Thorn, music brings the opportunity for each student to participate, to develop self-esteem and empathy.


Discover our piano corner

Digital world

The introduction of digital skills leads students to consider themselves as informed, responsible and aware actors both in society and in the digital world. Children and adolescents become digitally agile by combining the following skills: communication, critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and coding. The school supports students in discovering the digital world, first through fun activities, then via more complex ones as they grow up.

École internationale Gaston Thorn

The École internationale Gaston Thorn is a public European school located in the city center of Luxembourg. It offers a school system that reflects the diversity of the population living in the country’s capital city and meets the needs of students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Its teaching methods offer great flexibility in language learning and give a greater number of students a better chance of succeeding academically and, beyond that, of integrating socially.